June 15 1986 —- June 20th 2001
Orange Tabby Cat
Tiger was a wonderful cat. I found him as a 10 wk. old kitten.
A motor home dropped him off at a service station.
I saw him & tossed him in my car thinking I’d take him to
the Humane Society.
He never made it as we fell hopelessly in love with him from the start.
What a joy this little fellow has been all his life with us.
So much fun so loving & such a dedicated companion!
He was always at our side full of little antics pranks & love.
Right till the end he tried so hard to stay with us but we knew his time
was getting near. It broke our hearts to have him leave us but we know
he is running & enjoying happy times again.
One day we will be together again!
Rest in peace little Buddy!
You will always be with in our hearts!
Bud and Norma
Tiger |