Tippi by Sue / Your mommy

My precious one, remember your first Christmas? That May I had just lost my buddy, Mitty. We were very close. Magnum was lonesome and missing him terribly. I said I wouldn’t get another cat.

But somehow, a week before Christmas, I had a sudden urge to visit the shelter – there were so many kittens, who could choose? I couldn’t! I left. But the urgent feeling wouldn’t go away.

So Christmas Eve, in a snowstorm, your daddy and I went to the shelter and chose you. You were so tiny, couldn’t even lap milk from a bowl, had a upper respiratory problem and you were so sick.
But we took you home, made it thru that Christmas and Magnum took you under his paw.

The second one – what a Christmas that was! We left you and Magnum have the run of the house Christmas Eve. The next morning both of you were lying under the tree with all the presents unwrapped between you!!! Your daddy and I laughed ourselves silly – oh, how we wished
we had a camera.

My darling, you will be sorely missed forever. You’ve been my friend, confidant and loved me as no one else. You’ve been with me through good times and bad times – most recent my folks’ cancers, and the fear that I would lose them. But they are still with us, and now you are not.

I will miss you little one, tell Magnum we will all be together one day. Run, play, enjoy the sun, flowers and birds. Live as you could never live here on earth. Be free loved one, feel no more pain and agony. But know that I loved you with all my heart, no one will ever take that away, and I will never, ever forget you.

Thank you for all your love and companionship.
God bless you and keep you safe, forever.


Goodbye my little ferret face,