
June 1990 —- May 1996


We went to a shelter to help them out and ended up bringing Toby home…

He had been abused and left on their steps nothing but skin and bone…

One eye wouldn’t open and he had a ‘scruffy’ look…he was not the

prettiest cat in the shelter but he was the friendliest.

Sam who we still have thought he owned the house and

really resented Toby’s appearance on the scene…

soon they were having ‘stare-downs’ slapping their paws at each

other as they passed each other by and of course chasing

‘trespassers’ from the yard as a team…

Toby was about 8 when we got him. He soon learned that people

could love him and started enjoying what was left of his life.

He had surgery on his eye and soon realized there was

a whole world around him — my furniture still bears

the proof…LOL

At age 14 Toby developed kidney failure that could not be reversed.

And so we laid him down as gently as we picked him up….

Sam still walks to the tv and cries for Toby every time we

play a video of him…..he has not forgotten

him either….



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