Trapper by Peggy Sinclair / Love, Mom

September 11, 2001 was a day that we will never forget. Out of the rubble emerged 3 small dogs whose owner had perished. These little pups were brought back to Texas and one of them found his way into my heart. I named him Trapper, which to me seemed appropriate after what he had been through.

Trapper, my little guy, you were an absolute joy to all you met. You became a therapy dog and made so many people happy with your funny expressions. You were funny, sweet,and hard headed.

When my mother was sick and bedridden, I took you to see her and you would lay down beside her and just give her love. My mother died in February of 2011 and in October of 2011 you died in my arms. I swear I could hear by mother calling you home.

My spunky little guy, I adore you, love you, and carry you in my heart and soul always.


Rest with God Litte One.
2, Oct 2011
Peggy Sinclair
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