Brody Sinclair

You came to me a scared and non-trusting little dog.  It took me two weeks to get you to come inside the house.  I took it a day at a time and slowly built your trust.  With a lot of love and patience we became bonded and went everywhere together.  You brought me joy, you made me laugh, you were always there for me with that big smile.  I loved coming home and seeing your excitement when you met me at the door and when you knew you were going with me, you could not contain yourself.  The hardest part of coming home after you died was seeing your bowls sitting there, looking at the steps you climbed to get on the couch, the dog door which led outside to your beautiful back yard, and your little bed with your toy that you used to lay your head on.  The worst part is the quiet and the emptiness in the house.  It is unbearable.  To say I miss you does not even begin to touch the feelings of sadness.

I discovered a lump on your head and took you to see the vet.  Turned out to be a rare bone cancer that attacks the skull and the lump would continue to grow.  3 weeks to the day of being diagnosed, you woke up and had a seizure.  I rushed you to the vet and they stopped the seizure but you were already gone.  Your heart was beating but I could tell your brain was gone.  I held you and told you how much I loved you and that it was ok for you to cross over and I felt your last breath and the last beat of your heart.

God bless you my little guy and may you run free with your other adopted brothers in love.  I love you.  Mom

Sammy Sinclair

My Little Man, I came home and found you had left this world.  I still tried to bring you back but after 45 mins. I realized you were gone forever.   I hope your transition to the beyond was pain free and that you are with your brother, Wyatt, and running free again.  The last 10 months were hard as you could no longer walk on your hind legs but you did not let that stop you.  You were determined to show everyone that you were not going to let this get you down, and you did.  What I will miss the most is that big smile and your getting to the door as fast as you could to greet me each time I arrived home.   I adopted you 8 years ago.  You were 6 and your family gave you to a shelter saying you marked outside, I could not believe it.  I took you home with me and you were the perfect dog.  A Diamond.  I love you dearly and I pray we will be together again.  Mom

The Kingdom of Heart

The Soul of an Animal – Excerpt from ‘The Kingdom of Heart’, Patty Luckenbach, M.A., D.D.

“I believe minerals, plants, and animals are of the Love-Intelligence known as God.  Therefore, I believe each animal has a soul.  All animals are connected to the center of the great circle of life just as we humans are connected to that great circle.  I believe that when the body is no longer a suitable residence for the soul, the soul, knowing its own immortality, moves from this life dimension to inherit a new form of life.  Our transformation or death process is also a birth process; the labor pains of birthing move us into a great dimension of eternal life.  Every life form has a window of departure into the greater dimensions.  All animals have this window just as we humans do.  Dogs are aware of their connection to God.  Unlike most humans, they have never forgotten or lost it.  The angels, ascended masters, and even our own soulfulness know of the oneness with God and all other beings.  We humans are desperately trying to remember these connections.

Our precious animals live in the present moment and are attuned to their instinctual connection with life.  They do not have the ego attachments, acquired beliefs that demonstrate as habit and conditional love, that humans have.  Animals help us to connect to our spiritual intuition.  So above, so below, they know we live in a field of unity.  They are aware of the organic connection to the greater weave and tapestry of life.  The animals have not forgotten the kingdom of love for it is their intuition and instinctual birthright to be a part of the greater whole. “

Trapper by Peggy Sinclair / Love, Mom

September 11, 2001 was a day that we will never forget. Out of the rubble emerged 3 small dogs whose owner had perished. These little pups were brought back to Texas and one of them found his way into my heart. I named him Trapper, which to me seemed appropriate after what he had been through.

Trapper, my little guy, you were an absolute joy to all you met. You became a therapy dog and made so many people happy with your funny expressions. You were funny, sweet,and hard headed.

When my mother was sick and bedridden, I took you to see her and you would lay down beside her and just give her love. My mother died in February of 2011 and in October of 2011 you died in my arms. I swear I could hear by mother calling you home.

My spunky little guy, I adore you, love you, and carry you in my heart and soul always.


Sophie by Peggy Sinclair / Until we meet again. Mom

For My Sweet Sophie
August 17, 2016

We have a secret you and I that no one else shall know,for who but I can see you lie each night in fire glow?

And who but I can reach my hand before we go to bed and feel the living warmth of you and touch your silken head?

And only I walk woodland paths and see ahead of me, your small form racing with the wind
so young and free again.

And only I can see you swim in every brook I pass
and when I call, no one but I can see the bending grass.