Trixie by jessa / mommy jessa

I can still remember the first time we met;
It was like love at first sight.
You were only 2 months then.
I did everything in my power to have you…
Begged, pleaded, cajoled with the owner.
Finally, you’re mine.

You’ve brought me out of my heartbreak;
And made me smile again.
You were so full of silly antics,
That never fails to amuse me, always making me laugh.
Always so possessive, sweet and such a little spoiled brat…
Who doesn’t take no for an answer.

I don’t know if I’ll ever find someone like you.
I’m even scared to try.
I don’t think someone will ever live up to you…
My baby. My poor baby.
You’ve only been with us for a short time.
Such short happy times.

I wish I could have taken cared of you more.
Spent more time with you.
You deserve more than what you got.
I should have played with you more often;
Cradled you in my arms;
Talked to you much more.

Now, I can’t do any of those fun stuff with you anymore.
Maybe in my dreams I can; or
Maybe in another lifetime we will meet again.
I hope wherever you are, you are happy.
You will always be my “baby tricci”
(remember what I used to call you?).

I love you always.
You are the best thing that happened to me.


Luv always,