Tyler by George, Debbie, Abbie & Heather / Mom, Dad, Abbie & Heather

Tyler wasn’t our pet. He was our best friend. He was sent to us during a time in our life when we desperately needed companionship, cheer and love. He gave so much, and asked so little. He was a furry head that dried so many tears. He was always the one constant in our lives. He was always happy to see us, even if no one else was. He was so strong, warm and undiscriminating.

He loved everyone, and was generous with his love to everyone. He never ran out of love to give, he was a well that never dried up. He never ran out of licks for our cheeks, even on his last day with us. So tired, old and sick, even on his last day with us, he was licking our faces, nuzzling under our chins. He was trying to make us feel better, he was trying to protect us, our feelings and our hearts. He was, is, amazing.

We will love him, remember him and cherish every moment we had with him for the rest of our lives. How lucky were we to be able to be influenced by this most loyal creature for 15 entire years. Tyler, you have made our lives better, we will be forever changed by our fortune of having you in our lives. There will never be another best friend that could compare to you. We will love, and remember you
for the rest of our lives.

We will honor your life and your memory forever. We will be missing you until we are together again at the Rainbow Bridge. We love you Tyler Boy, so very much.


George, Debbie, Abbie & Heather