WANDIE by TONI DENHAM / Love always Mom

The pain feels like it will never end,
Nine months it has been.
God has taken you, my best four legged friend.
The grief, still so strong.
How do I go on? My heart is gone.

Together you and me, almost sixteen years
you stayed by me.
Through sickness and sorrow,
Your comfort assured my tomorrow.
There is only today, no longer tomorrow.
Without my heart all I feel is sorrow.

I know your happy and at peace,
I is me that cannot sleep.
Tossing and turning hoping to dream.
You and I together, playing happily.
Than I awake and begin to cry.
For, it was only a dream and I know why.
My heart was gone, he had died.

Some day again we will meet,
A joyous day that shall be.
Toghether we will spend eternity.
Pain, sorrow and grief will be no more.
I found my heart, at Heaven’s door.


Still missing and loving you!
8, May 2006