Weazy by April Kriete / Mommy

Weazy was a special little girl. She and her siblings weren’t planned, but they were special. She came to me from my aunt as a tiny puppy, no bigger than my hand at 10 weeks old. She was very social and touched so many people’s lives. She made so many strangers smile, which made me smile. She liked to give hugs, but not kisses. She snuggled with me at night and followed me everywhere during the day. She loved to go for rides in the car, too, and ride in her doggie carseat. She loved playing ball, many times catching the balls in the air! She was always a happy girl, although she missed her daddy since he had to leave us for a while. She was looking forward to his first visit home in a couple of months. She loved to live and lived to love. She was a real sweetie.


All my love,
April Kriete