Whiskey by Kim Stolk / Your best friends,

Kimmy & Family

~~Saying Good-Bye~~

I said good-bye to a dear friend today
It was really sad I must say.
Today was the day you flew away to be with the angels so far away. Now our hearts have to mend, deal with the sorrow of this sad event. I didn’t want you to go, but knew it was for the best and knew it would be one of my life’s greatest tests.

Saying good-bye is never easy, but the you gave me makes me stronger and will make you stay
in my heart that much longer.

You were the greatest friend one could ever have and the life you had with us made us so glad.

Although I am sad and my heart is broken, the bond we had was life’s treasured token.
I thank you for that my sweet dear friend and know that I’ll see you when my journey ends.


Always thought about
with so much love and fondness
21, July 2004
Kim Stolk