Whispering Willow Rose by Lorie and Ed Birch / Mama and Daddy

Dear Willow,
I asked my Dad to meet you
When you got to Heaven’s Gate.
He will be there to greet you.
He said he cannot wait.

He will tend to you, as you were his own.
His heart is filled with pride.
He said you’ll never be alone,
He’ll be right by your side.

We know you’re there above us,
For God has called you home.
You’ll both look down upon us,
Until our day shall come.

You’re our “Willow on a Pillow”
And Mama’s Willa-Bean.
Your Daddy’s little buddy,
The best he’s ever seen.

Go run and play with Princess now.
She’ll be your friend forever.
Someday we’ll meet you at the Rainbow Bridge
And we’ll cross that bridge together.


Whispering Willow Rose
8, June 2012
Lorie and Ed Birch