Winston by Judy Schulte / Judy

I wake in the morning
with a sense of longing,
I wish you about
As I walk our route,
With a squeakie in my pocket
That is now my locket.
I feel your essence
I miss your presence.

Your toys in the room
have an aura of gloom,
Your bedding now cold
from your lack of your hold,
The biscuits that I bought
they remain in their spot.
I feel your essence
I miss your presence.

The sound of your brush
now forever is hushed,
Your leash remains still
but against my will,
The sound of your pant,
hear it!, I can’t.
I feel your essence
I miss your presence.

Your bark of protection
Your inquisitive expressions,
Your affection licks,
Your mischievous tricks,
These all comprise your aura of essence,
Oh! how I miss your four-legged presence!


Forever In our memories and hearts.
17, Sep 2003
Judy Schulte