Wuzzie by Terri-Lynn / Mommy

Wuzzie you are gone,
now its hard to move on.
To not hear you’re cry,
It makes me want to die.

Wuzzie your life went to fast,
My baby,
I will never forget our past.

Wuzzie you were so soft and sweet,
You were like a silent friend,
one I’d never get to meet.

Wuzzie, you were the best cat,
Oh how I wish you were here,
Everyone wants you back!

Your body is not here to play,
but in my heart is where you’ll stay.
So goodbye Wuzzie, your spirit lives on,
I guess that means you’re not truly gone.

Wuzzie, you were called to the sky…
but it doesn’t matter to me,
Its not really goodbye.


I Love you SOOO much baby!
19, Mar 2003