Wylie by Diane

4 New Paws in Heaven Today

By Diane Garner

There are 4 new paws
in heaven today.
He went with the angels –
æjust couldnÆt stay.

Wylie gave life everything he had
æJust couldnÆt keep going
when his old heart went bad.

His legs grew weak;
he couldnÆt stand.
It was time to say
good-bye to the Wylie Man.

When he looked at me
I saw his pain
Keeping him going was just in vain.

So I snipped some hair
from around his heart.
To keep with me always – so weÆd never part.

I felt his warm breath
against my hand
As his life left mine..
Did he understand?
We loved him so.

He was so brave that
Spring like day
When the angels led him far away.

He showed such courage
gave so much love
Our little sunshine now up above.

We appreciated the way
you all shared
our wonderful Maltese friends who cared.

Wylie brought me close
to friends so true
And I am sad to bring
this news to you.

There are 4 new paws
in heaven today.
He went with the angels –
just couldnÆt stay.

Wylie Garner was Rescued
by AMA volunteer Diane Garner
on September 19 2001
Rescued by heavenÆs Angels
on May 17 2002



17, May 2002