Yogi by Gayle Thompson / Your Mom

A Pet’s Prayer

My people are so precious, Lord;
I know You think so, too…
And I believe You put me here
To love them just for You!

They take such gentle care of me
And have such tender hearts…
Please use me, Lord, to comfort them
Whenever teardrops start.

They face a lot of battles
As they live & work each day…
They need me, Lord,
To make them smile
And show them how to play!

The world is full of people,
But sometimes real friends are few…
Please let my love & loyalty
Remind them, Lord, of You.

And when my final moment comes,
Lord, tell them as we part…
I was a made-to-order gift
From Your great, loving heart!


I Will Always Love You Yogi,
12, Aug 2003
Gayle Thompson