" Ziggy "
July 31 1988 ------ Aug. 29 1999
English Bulldog
Until We Meet Again
The night I laid you down to sleep,
I prayed the Lord your soul to keep
Today I seen you for the very last time,
The sweet memories of you will always be mine
I pray that you will never forget me,
One day we will be together again you'll see
God has called you to come back home,
He knows I'm not left here all alone
Until we meet again I'll miss you so,
I'll have to wait until it's time for me to go
I know we are all here for only awhile,
it's very hard but I'll try to smile
I hope you can hear me and I hope you know,
I wish I could have you back I didn't want you to go
But I know that you were tired and needed to sleep,
There is a place in Heaven for you,
and your soul God will surely keep
Until We Meet Again
I Love You Ziggy
Susie & Zackary
Sept. 7 1999
Ziggy |
Susie & Zackary |