Ziggy by Susie


" Ziggy "

July 31 1988 ----- Aug. 29 1999

English Bulldog



They all said you were so ugly with a face that

only a Mother could love,

maybe...but God sent you to me from Heaven above.

I complained alot when you got old and half blind.

When I think about it now I really didn't mind.

If only people were as sweet as you (hate) would be one

word we'd never again use.

I'll think of you often and try not to cry

I could never replace you.....I wouldn't even try!

Someone so loyal never could there be another one...

like my beautiful little Ziggy my funny-faced Son!

Eleven years with you in my life made it a pure joy.

I'll miss you so much my sweet Z~Boy....

And Ziggy when you are forever gone the sweet memories of

you will forever live on and on...


**I Love You**





