Zoey by Dan and Bonnie Neaves / Mommy Bonnie

Hey Zoey:

Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you, days and nights have been very rough on us. We miss you so badly, if only I could see you one more time, but I have your pictures up around the house so I see you everyday anyways. I finally went to your resting spot and said my farewells but I know I will see you again. I take Chewy and Chief often over to see you and Cody and Reba. I make them sit while I speak to you guys; they must have respect for you as they sit and listen to me tell them stories about you guys. My heart still aches so badly and I swear I have a broken heart. I miss you all so much. Sorry Zoey I even had your birthdate year wrong. I couldn’t even think at that time so sorry baby girl. You are constantly on my mind. Even time doesn’t make it easier. I miss you so much,,,I will write back in a while to give you updates on how things are going. Love you forever Zoey my babygirl…


With so much love,
Dan and Bonnie Neaves