Tabby by Derek, Daphne & Jessica / Jessica

I’ll never forget the day we got you. We went to the Pet Shop a half hour before the doors opened .. I had my little nose pressed up to the glass and seen this little tiny orange cat and I knew that you would be mine. You were so happy, you were perfect.

Even though I was an only child growing up, It sure didn’t feel like it. I would play with you, and tell you stories just as if you were my own little brother. You kept me from becoming lonely and jealous of all the other children that had siblings. I didn’t even need to feel jealous, because I had you.

Even though you hated the car, you moved with us everywhere we went. In each house, you had your own spot. I’ll forever see you perched up on the top of the couch in our first house, and on Mom and Dads bed bathing in the sweet summer sun at our third.

You loved your sooky that you stole from me when I was only about 5. I had recieved it in my stocking for Christmas but it wasn’t long until you took him for your own. Mom washed him out today, he still has your scent on him though. He’s placed in the downstairs hallway where you used to spend most of your time in your ” house ”

I can’t believe your gone my boy.. My bed sure feels empty here without you. I’ll always feel you sleeping on my feet or snuggled up by my side. May is gonna be a rough month babe.. I always dreamt of my high school graduation. It was always saying that I was gonna be in a huge dress and that Tabbys gonna be in my arms for a picture. Well, I got the dress .. But i don’t have you. I wish I did. But it would be selfous of me to have you here in pain. I know your in a better place now, and your not in pain anymore. Your up there with pop, and your eating tuna for every meal I’m sure of it. Everytime I hear the can opener i’ll still hear you coming up the stairs thinking its tuna.

I’ll miss you every single day .. You were my first pet and nobody can ever replace you.


Love you forever and ever,
Derek, Daphne & Jessica