Zoie by Debra Holmes / Love,

mommy Leah

This story is true. On a hot summer day I met Zoie, my amazon, in a pet store and it was love at first sight. He didn’t like that many people cause he was abused but he took right to me. His former owner Jan sold him cause her ex husband was being abusive. So I bought Zoie from Jan and he was the ideal pet for me. He learned to talk and play dead and walk home from his cage.

For many years I took that bird everywhere with me. Then in 1999 I got news that my friend Jan was shot by her husband and was at a local hospital. I rushed quickly to see Jan; she was very critical. She smiled up at me and looked me in the eye and said take good care of Zoie and tell him I love him. I cried and told her I promise. 20 minutes later Jan passed away. To make a long story short Jan was
a victim of domestic violence

In 2000 I was going through divorce and also did I not know I was going to go through similar like Jan. I had to pack all my clothes and flee with my daughter in the night, leaving poor Zoie with my ex. I had to stay at a local women’s shelter and I arranged to have Zoie picked up the next day, but things got worse. My ex stole Zoie and wouldn’t let me have him back. The divorce was granted and in my ex husbands to be rage he threatened to hurt Zoie if I didn’t get out of the women’s shelter. I didn’t believe he would do anything to hurt my green baby, but he did. On the final day of the hearing in May 3rd. of our anniversary of all things the divorce was final.

I had to place a CPO or civil protection order on my ex to keep him away from my daughter. He got mad and took my Zoe’s life out of anger. For many years I felt so guilty that I didn’t protect him, and then one night as I was sleeping I saw Zoie in a dream he was sitting on my friends Jan shoulder and he was happy. Jan told me Zoie is ok and
he knows you loved him.

He will be waiting and so will I at the rainbow bridge. I woke up and felt like Zoie was in my room and I knew that it was ok.
Zoie is in heaven with Jan.

I believe for the short time
I had my green buddy
he taught me love and above all courage.
GOD works in mysterious ways.
Zoie was I believe heaven sent.

Author Leah


With all my love to my green buddy,
Debra Holmes