1987 ----- Jan. 3 2000
To the Most Wonderful Little Girl in the World
Such a precious little Siamese who was only
full of such endless love and warmth we miss you so much.
We had so many love names for you --
there was so very much to love and admire --
your incredible beautiful face your loving nature
your constant purring and kisses --
never a hiss from you only joy.
There will never be another like you.
So may mournful tears for you we didn't even get
to say good-bye.
You were named after Marcey --
the little girl with glasses in the Peanuts comic strip --
and you left us on the same day the comic strip was retired.
Our hearts are heavy little Marcey we miss you so much.
You are a permanent part of our family a permanent
part of our hearts.
Thank you my precious little girl for all your specialness
all your love. How can we ever memorialize
you to the extent you deserve?
We love you so much.
Our lives are forever enriched.
Marcey |
Denice |