Stella by Kim / Mummy & Judge xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Stella’s Poem

I need you to know how sorry I am
And how much I wish it wasn’t so
But after all the struggles and heartache
The time has come to let you go.

I need to try and make you see
To help you understand
That even after all the effort
Things haven’t turned out as we planned.

But before I bid you a final goodbye
There are a few things I need to say
I want to thank you for your loyalty
Each and every day.

On top of that I want to say
From the bottom of my heart
Thank you baby for being you
And I wish we didn’t have to part.

I gave you all I had to give
And I know you did the same
But deep down you’re a free spirit
That no one will ever tame.

So please forgive me for this thing
That I feel I have to do
My punishment for this deed
Will be living without you.

I know that you’ll be somewhere
Always watching over me
You’ll be the wind blowing through the trees
And the waves crashing in the sea.

You’ll leave behind some broken hearts
But you’ll take a piece of me
So goodnight my beautiful baby girl
And please find it in your heart to forgive me!

Another angel gone back to heaven, you will never be forgotten Stella and you live on in my memories. Run free baby, you deserve all the happiness in the world


Loads of love
14, Mar 2005