Boo by Tracie & Jimmy Denson / Mommy & Daddy

Never again will our lives be the same,
Some how we’ll make it through all of the pain,
Always and forever you’ll remain in our hearts,
Our house is so different, our lives torn apart.

The thought of you gone hurts us inside,
The tragic memory of the day that you died,
Why you had to leave, we’ll never know why,
To understand this, we will have to try.

You were our sunshine on a dark cloudy day,
The way you pranced around and wanted to play,
The live that you lived was so playful and sweet,
The funny way you liked to be rubbed with our feet.

We’ll never forget our sweet Bugsy Boo,
Your Mommy and Daddy, we both love you.


Thank you for coming into our lives.
Thank you for all the love and all the laughter.
We w
5, June 2005
Tracie & Jimmy Denson