Mommy needs love
Mommy needs love are the words
I would speak
That would make your ears peak
Then you would come running to my feet.
With kisses and snuggles…
You always knew how
to drown out my struggles.
Why did you leave me baby?
Why did you have to die?
You know how much I need
you here by my side.
I held you in my arms for
those last moments…
Hoping it was not true
Hoping that I would not have
to spend the rest of my days
with out you.
You were Mommy’s good boy and
you always will be
The pain feels like it will never end…
As everyone promises me
Don’t you know how much Mommy needs you…
How will I get through?
Daddy, Jacky and our family and friends
will miss you too…
The house is so quiet…
Please God just one more time…
Just one more night
To be with my Bucky and hold him tight.
I long to hear your jingle
To see your little crooked ear
To have one more time to draw you near.
I sit here looking out at the beautiful grave
We laid your precious body by the water where you played.
Bucky you were so special and every ones’ friend
My love for you baby will never, never end.
Mommy is so sad, what a terrible day
I pray that some how some way
the pain will at least fade
But I know it will never really go away…
I must go now and put on a happy face,
Pretend I am getting better with each passing day
God give me the strength to make it through
Just enough to make it one more day with out you…
Bucky, Mommy loves you and I will see you soon.
I miss you with all of my Heart,
Bucky |
8, July 2006 |
Rhonda R Potter |