Tuesday’s Gone
I watched the rain fall down today,
I saw the sky turn black.
I felt your heart slowly stop beating,
I tell myself your not coming back.
Everyday I ask myself,
Why did you have to die?
You’re time on earth was much too short.
I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.
It seems like only yesterday
You were running through the grass.
Jumping around so playfully,
We didn’t notice how quickly the time seemed to
You always made me so happy,
And brought a smile to my face.
I’ll forever cherish these memories,
That time can never erase.
I force myself to carry on.
I pretend that none of this is real.
A part of me has died with you.
Some wounds will never heal.
You gave me fourteen years of friendship,
And now I’m left with your memory.
But I guess when you really love someone,
You have to set them free.
I miss you puppy...
Ginger |
27, Dec 2005 |
Jen |