Rufus {Ruf-Man} by Dottie McClelland / Your Mommy

Finding Rufus & his sister at age 5 weeks was the beginning of a blessed life together. Unlike his sister who was so sweet & innocent, Rufus was a typical boy; he got into everything & had many vet trips for eating this & that. He was stubborn, yet his face always said “not me”. He had me wrapped around his paw. He loved to play hide & seek & carry his stuffed animals around. He hated being groomed but tolerated it for me. When we lost his sister 3 years ago, we leaned on each other but 4 weeks ago I lost him & now I’m lost. Even though the last 2 weeks he was showing his age, he still tried hard to play & was always eager to see me, even if it had only been 5 minutes since I saw him. He was 14 1/2 yrs old but it wasn’t enough for me. He tried so hard to hang on but the last night he stared into my eyes & his eyes said-it’s time Mommy. I held him all night until he took his last breath. I am thankful for his peace yet crying and empty for him. I miss his ornery look, playing hide & seek & watching movies together. If he could have talked, he would have finished my sentences, he knew me so well & his eyes were so expressive. I know he & Rachael are playing together without pain and one day we will all re-unite.


I Love You to the sky and back,
Rufus {Ruf-Man}
Dottie McClelland