Maverick by Wilma K. Harding / Mom

Maverick was more than a pet, he was my friend and companion after my husbands death. Maverick went through my grief with me.

Maverick was also our guard dog at our business. He had been shot, protecting the property but the bullet passed through
not hitting a vital organ.

Maverick laid beside me until help arrived
when I fell down a flight of stairs,
never leaving my side.

Maverick would run/walk five miles a day with me. Protected me from other dog attacks, which he would put himself between me and the dog that tried to attack me.

I will never forget the whole bag of Oreo’s he helped himself to off the countertop. Although everyone told me chocolate would kill him. Maverick loved his chocolate. Once he helped himself to my Halloween sack of candy.

There will never be another animal that could scale a 8ft fence to get out. A fence never kept him in, that is how he earned his name Maverick.

I know that he is free to roam and I will see him again. Because never has there been a more faithful friend or companion than Maverick. I shall miss the walks, the laughter, the excitement that you added to my life for almost 13years. You are one of a kind my friend, my companion. Go run and play till we meet again.


Your friend and companion,
Wilma K. Harding