Adalida by Rebecca & Aaron Brown / Mama, Daddy, AJ, Cherie, and Tuff

Adalida (“Addey”) was first brought home by me when I moved away from home. A few years later, I met Aaron, then we got our 2nd dog Tuff. And a couple years after that along came our first baby (boy). Then 3yrs after that came our little girl. Adla, as the kids called her, was the best dog we could have every asked for when it came to the kids. She was patient with them yet she was so protective of them, they were her little ones too. She would get rode, dressed up like a princess or whatever our daughter could find to dress her up. She talked (barked) to us all the time. When she was hungry or wanted something. Her age and “old dog lungs” just caught up with her. She went happy and was surrounded by us. I promised to never leave her side or let her suffer when the time came. I kept my promise to her but it was so hard. We did what was best for her, letting her go has been so very hard for us.

Our home is so empty without her yelling at us and without her presence. I truly miss coming home and asking “Mama’s dawgs” if they “missed mama today”. She was always so happy and loved seeing her family! WE ALL miss her sooo much. We miss every part of what she brought to us all everyday. Our home will never be the same without her but we surround ourselves with the wonderful memories of her, her photos, pawprint, etc. We will never forget her!!!

She’ll stay with us in our hearts and continue to carry her love with us everyday for the rest of our lives. We can never explain what she meant/means to us. There will never be another like her!!


Adalida we love you baby girl, may you rest in eternal peace. xoxo
Rebecca & Aaron Brown