Alex by Barb Conradi / Mommy

He came into my life and it changed me forever. We shared alot of wonderful times together and a love I will never forget. He was a faithful and loving companion. One terrible morning Alex had a seizure and we found he had a brain tumor, which could not be removed. We had radiation and he suffered terrible side effects, but with the help of his Vet, we brought him out of danger only to find he had a cancerous tumor on his foot, that started growing. Surgery was not an option, as it was too deep. With all this he still kept going, not wanting to leave me, and I continued to care for him, with all my love. He fought so very hard, but after 19 months, he lost his battle and I lost the love of my life! I will always love you, Alex!!!!


With All My Love,
Barb Conradi