

Its been a year
since you’ve been gone
My empty heart aches
as time go on.

They say that the grief
will diminish
And still while I wait
for this stage to finish.

I think back
to when you were here
And to the memories
that I hold dear.

To you as a puppy
cuddly and precocious
Then a year later
trying to be ferocious.

The million times
you made me smile
The times you cheered
me up and while.

I know that you’re
in a better place
To awake once more
and see your face.

Would be for me
a dream come true
But for now
I will remember you.

As you were full of life
full of love
And as you watch us
from above.

Remember us and until I depart
The name “Alex” will
leave a hole in my heart!

Sadly missed by Joe and
Shelley LaPorte
Corpus Christi TX


28, April 2000