Alphie by Randy and Loretta Stribling / Randy and Loretta


A sensitive soul
Who’d hurt not a flea
Loved his Momma, his Daddy,
His walks, a good pee.

Neurotic, at times,
Afraid of small dogs,
Of thunder, of fireworks,
And sometimes the fog.

You came to us scarred,
Abandoned, alone.
Unsure of our motives,
You shook to the bone.

In time you adjusted
And opened your heart
To these two poor humans
Who loved from the start.

Intelligent, sweet,
Your eyes beamed pure joy
When hearing the words,
“What a VERY good boy”.

Ten years you loved us
Through good times and bad,
And loved us completely.
How could we be sad?

Our hearts were expanded,
You filled us with life.
You showed us what Love is
Now we’re husband and wife.

Our pain is now stabbing,
Intense and quite grave,
But will not extinguish
The gifts that you gave.

Alphie, we Love you,
But this is not the end.
You’ll be with us always.
We thank you, dear friend.


In Loving Memory,
2, Dec 2005
Randy and Loretta Stribling