Amber (age 9)
Died on Wednesday 10th October 2001
My cat of all cat’s, how sadly you are missed, Never again will it be the same.
The result of a tragic accident,
Which could have been avoided,
Your life was shortened,
taken away,
but why oh why,
that way that day,
We asked and asked but now were through,
the answer lies with you.
Talk to her softly and hear her pur,
Whispers of love in her ear,
Forever grateful she would be, standing taller than a tree,
prouder than anyone could be,
Smaller than a lion heart as big as rome,
always warm, never cold,
She left her lessons here behind,
treasures, good luck, and most of all LOVE,
Bye Bye, With tears in my eye’s.
All the love in the world,
Amber |
10, Oct 2001 |
Dawn |