Apple Jack by Suzanne Schultz / Mom

I found Apple Jack at the animal shelter. They had put him in the back because he would never stop barking. They told me I was making a big mistake in getting him because of his barking. There was something about him though so I brought him home. My daughter Elizabeth at the time was a huge my little pony fan and wanted to name him after her favorite pony, Apple Jack. After I got him home he stopped all his barking. He fell in love with Fuzzle the hamster. Elizabeth would put Fuzzle in his ball and the chase was on. Fuzzle was a long haired hamster I got my kids after their dad died, to give them a little love. We named the hamster Fuzzy but my son Joey could not say Fuzzy, it always came out as Fuzzle. So Fuzzle it was. Apple Jack and Fuzzle would run through the house and finally end up in my bathroom. That was a sign that Fuzzle was tired. Apple Jack would lay on the floor next to Fuzzle and sleep until someone came and got Fuzzle.

Not long after Apple Jack came to live with us we had a bad storm. In order to keep the kids safe I put them under a mattress and told them we were on a wild animal hunt. I always tried to do something to keep their minds off of how bad the weather was. Apple Jack split the sence. Elizabeth wanted to go after him but I would not let her. After the storm was over we found Apple Jack asleep on the couch with apart to Fuzzles ball next to him.

At Christmas the kids would use the paper rolls as a slide for Fuzzle. They would lean the roll on the couch and let Fuzzle slide down the inside onto the floor. Apple Jack would wait at the end of the roll for Fuzzle to come out and lick him.

It was at this time I found out Apple Jack was a candy thief. He could open a bar of candy without even tearing the paper. You would think you had candy but it was just the paper.
Fuzzle got sick I took him to the vet and got him better. But it did not last. When he got sick again I knew the time was near. I told the kids that Fuzzle would be going to see Daddy in heaven. I tried to keep water in him mixed with sugar. It helped some. Apple jack could not understand why his friend was no longer playing in his ball. Fuzzle died with his family close by. We buried him in the back yard in his little ball. Apple Jack watched all this as if he knew that his friend was gone.

A year later I got married and could not take Apple Jack with me. My mom knew a lady that wanted him so with a heavy heart I gave him to her. Apple Jack had a great home. He loved his new Mom. But he had a heart condition noone knew about. Not long after he went to live at his new home he had a massive heart attack. He died in his new Moms arms. When I got the call he had died I was heartbroke. But I also knew he had been given a wonderful life. He had died knowing he was loved.

I know the first thing he did was look for Fuzzle when he crossed the bridge. Dog and Hamster together again.


Always In My Heart,
Apple Jack
Suzanne Schultz