Ariel A.k.a Grandma by Katie Beard / Katie

My story Begins when i was 3 years old and my sister was only 2 we went to get a puppy .. and we knew the lady up the street who’s dog was having Cho. Lab puppies so we got her and took her home and called her Ariel … form that day forward she was the best dog we could ask for .. she let us climb all over her .. she would run after the ball and even Protect us And the Reason why she got the Name Grandma was because she was the oldest of the dogs and look after them like she was the mom .. she was with me though thick and thin .. she was the one that would sit their and listen …till this day I still think she knew what I was saying … she would always be their no matter what …

There were no days off for her .. until old age started to kick in … we have to get a pet ramp for her to get in the truck .. a high dish so she didn’t have to bend down .. and then we had to trim to soft food … so it wouldn’t be hard for her teeth … then one day I got really sick and she was throwing up and she still tried to be by my side and finally my dad and mom had to take her to the vet even tho
it was around 10:30 at night .. ((

The vet was a close Friend or ours)) and he said that their was nothing to do for her … so my dad said then I can’t let her suffer and they put my best Friend down that night … and also later that night I was taking to the Er with a fever of 105 …. Even its been months now … I still miss her … and still think she is going to come walking in that door … even tho I’m 17 years old she was the best dog and will always be .. even tho she is gone I feel she is still there ..

I can hear her pant and bang her head on the door .. (( she didn’t like when the door was closed )) .. we have a new dog now I know too short but it was just weird not coming home to a dog … I still love Ariel even tho we have a new dog we still remember her because Jazzmins Middle Name is Ariel (( hoping she turns out like Ariel)). I had alot of memories with Ariel and I’ll never forget them.


With Love Always,
Ariel A.k.a Grandma
Katie Beard