Aspen Sedalia by Karen Banschbach / Karen

Aspen, Just over 10 years ago we brought you home from Sedalia, Colorado. You were such a beautiful puppy. So full of love and energy. We could hardly keep up with you.

And you loved tennis balls. Sometimes you would carry two or three at a time. And you loved to swim. We have great pictures and memories of you at the lake leaping off the dock after a frisbee. At home you had your very own pool on the deck during the summer months.

And you were great at obedience training too. You earned your first two titles, Companion Dog and Companion Dog Excellent. You played flyball and even a little agility. You were such a patient therapy dog.

Annie misses you. We miss you. You were and still are the most beautiful, trusted, loyal dog. Thank you for 10-1/2 wonderful years. I pray you are at peace.

We love you so.

Karen, Dennis, Jill, Jeff, Heather & Alex
Golden Retriever – Annie
Chocolate Labs – Koffie & Hazel
Beagle – Norah


Stay Happy My Beautiful Golden Girl,
Aspen Sedalia
10, Mar 2005
Karen Banschbach