Light A Candle in Loving Memories 
Sassy by MaryJane
by MaryJane / Mama
My Sassy was a goofy boy. He loved to go outside in the yard and chase bugs and roll around in the sand. He was here for almost 4 wonderful years with me. He loved to sit in the window and try to get the birds in the birdfeeders. He would have an attitude towards mostly everyone but me. I would come home from work and sit by the computer and he would lay on the keyboard so I can’t do anything, so I would have to pay attention to him. He was a very big and brave kitty. He fought very hard at the end but I will be waiting for him at the Rainbow Bridge. I MISS and LOVE Sassy very much. Till we are together again.
Sassy by Mary Jane / Mary Jane Sassy’s mama
Sassy was a funny 7 toed kitty. He pretty much had a bad attitude. I was the only one that could calm him down. He did the funniest things. He had these huge paws and when Shadow (dog) his best buddy would walk by him he would reach out and swap her with his paw and then the chase was on. It was so much fun to watch all the fur babies together and it just isn’t the same without Sassy. He was a goofball.
He is missed very much by all of us. He would just lay around on top of the coffee table and play with doggie (kitten) with his BIG yellow eyes. He was a big kitty.
I got him cremated and he is now above me head at nite. When it is time for me to be with him and all the other fur babies that I lost through my life, All of our ashes will be mixed together and spend in the woods
that we all loved.
I would come home from work and there he was just waiting for me, I would get out of the car and he would run to the door to let him in. He stayed inside most of the time, but on nice days he just wanted to run and roll around in the dirt and sand. He loved to do that. Sassy would be SOOOO dirty and I would laugh cause he looked like a beat up alley cat.
He would take a bath with most of the time, too. Sassy would sit on the ledge of the tub and watch me for a little while then he would just jump in with me. He loved the water.
We live next to a trout stream. He would go down there and chase bugs, toads, and anything that moved. He was a GOOD KITTY!!! I will always love and miss my Love Boy’s until we meet at the bridge.
by Mary Jane / Mary Jane
Sassy was placed here with me for a reason.
He was only here for a few seasons.
I wish he could be here with us,
Sassy is missed and Loved from all of us.
He had big yellow eyes, big paws with 7 toes, and there is only one who took him from me and he only knows.
Things in this world are not always fair,
thats why more people with fur babies need to show much more care.
They are put here with us to show us love and compassion, If all humans were brought up in the old fashion way, the world for all fur babies would be better for them to stay.
I will always keep my Lover Boys in my heart
and I will never stray to be apart.
He is in my mind at all times with the other fur babies that I have lost,
but I will be with them when my time is up they will meet me, greet me, and give me hugs and kisses. I miss them much to where I feel there tugs.
Love you, Lover Boys. Mama knows you are keeping watch on me. I light the candle in the window so you can see me in the dark.
I LOVE and MISS you Sassy,