Wolfy Hjelmquist by Skip / Susan

March 29,1991- October 23, 2003

The power of his jaws,
the magnitude of his size.
The length of his claws,
those soulful alert eyes.

From the moment I first met him, love filled my heart,
as a tribute to him, I collected “wolfie” art.
Wolveskin was the nickname that fit me the most,
“kin to the wolves” I’d say, as I proudly boast.

What a privilege to take him out for a walk,
folks stopping to stare and gawk.
All 180 pounds or more of him by my side,
hanging on to the leash tightly trying
to keep up with his stride.

Dinner time I’d watch in aw,
bones crunching with the might of his jaw.
The home cooked stew was such a treat,
the veggies licked clean of gravy and meat.

A story I believe to this very day,
no violets ever grew back where Wolfie chose to lay.

The Wolfie legacy will live on and on,
with memories etched within my heart.
Though his time on earth is gone,
In heaven we’ll make a new start.
And smiles will beam from within,
The loving paws to my shoulders embrace,
He’ll remember his Auntie Kin,
and big Wolfie kisses will slime my face.


Little Heart Thompson by Susan / Mom

A little poem for Little Heart
October 2001~ July 25, 2003

From the moment I saw what was on your chest,
I knew “Little Heart” was the name that suit you the best.
Those little brown eyes, gazing at me,
that chubby belly, plump as can be.
The beautiful white heart with the darkness all around,
the waddle of your little feet when you were on the ground.
You won over the humans that you met,
the little rat that they will never forget.
From my hand to heaven I pray,
that I helped you leave this earth in the very best way.


BABY by Skip

July 24th 2002

How do you say good-bye,
to this free spirit?
Always mischievous,
the center of attention,
with unrelentless affection.
The little girl with a mind of her own,
made her marks in all the parts of the home.
Chew toys were always abundant,
whether carpet or chairs,
house molding or stairs,
articles of clothing left insight,
cable wires and important papers,
were much to Baby’s delight.
Wolfies’ little sister was a fearless hunter too,
devouring a host of “predators”
squirrels a bat a few birds and grasshoppers
just to name a few.
Her warbled howl,
music to the ear..
now will echo down from heaven,
for the world to hear.

God Bless You Baby Girl
Your loving aunt
