Bambi May by Kathy & Melissa

She was a little dog
with lots of hair.
She needed lots of hugs
and tender loving care.

She would run to meet you
when you came through the door.
She would follow you in
whatever you do
Then she would look at you and
make you love her more.

One day she took sick
we did not know why.
We took her to the doctor to see
She was very sick
worse than we thought
she was so weak
she could not even have faught.

We said our good-byes and cried.
She would not have made it
even if she tried.
So we gave Bambi back to the Lord
for he needed a special angel
in heaven.

It was hard to hand her
to the doctor for she was
still giving sweet kiss after kiss.
In her eyes though
you knew it was time
To go with the Lord and
once again shine.

We will never forget
her little growls and little barks
For Bambi May will forever
live in our hearts.



Mommy “1” and “2


Bambi May
21, June 2002
Kathy & Melissa