Precious by Kim and Tom

June 4 2002

My Dearest Woobie Girl
Thank you for this morning it was good seeing you so happy and healthy. It made my much heavy heart a lot lighter. Saying goodbye to you Sunday night was the hardest thing I think we will ever have to do. Those 6 short months that you were with us were wonderful.

You made our lives so much better. We will miss your charming snores your little “Wiffs” your snorts and the pitter patter of your little feet. Percey misses having you to share “cookies” with.

Things are just not the same without you here. We take comfort now knowing you will never again suffer. You are at peace and healthy once again. Your Daddy and I will always love you and hold you forever in our hearts until the day we can once again hold you in our arms. May you find all the “O’livers’ and Wag Wells your little heart desires. Be well little girl

We love you very much.

Love Always



2, June 2002
Kim and Tom