Bandit by ken dayton / Daddy

My Best Buddy Bandit

You’ve been my best buddy for many a year,
Someone to share my home, my life, my happiness, my fears.
You have always been there knowing when I needed you,
Snuggling that forever matted hair mop of a head,
Into my lap and looking with “what’s up dad” eyes.
Just letting me know that someone saw my tears.

You put up with my house-breaking & fetch-the-ball days,
You hid when I came home to find a “present” in the hallway.
You never held a grudge for punishment I gave,
Or not sharing more of the pizza crust you craved.
Always licking my hand or following close behind, right on my heels,
Just letting me always know that a best friend never
looks the other way.

You put up with the cats I brought home for you,
Thinking YOU needed a friend to play with & care for too.
You let the kittens try to nurse & the older ones to cuddle,
Waking up from your naps with such a look of being befuddled,
Cats as a blanket just wasn’t quite natural!
But you put up with it & told me “it’s OK dad”,
they’re our family too!

Now the many years; 105 the way you count; are taking their toll,
The eyesight & hearing are bad; you no longer care to toss & roll.
Your old legs move so slow and you sleep more than ever before,
And follow me from room to room, my best friend ever-still.
I actually look forward to hearing those deep doggie snores,
Letting me know that my best buddy is with me &
has no pain in his soul.

I have accepted that the sun is setting on the life we have shared,
Someday the snores & licks & head-in-the-lap will end.
But for now you are once again “my puppy”; forgiven for everything you do,
The “presents & puddles” to clean up after are MY present to you.
For when I cross that Rainbow bridge somewhere down the line,
We will romp & frolic & run & play, knowing till the end…
we BOTH cared!

Bandit left after nearly 17 years for a better place on March 17, 2004

“God gave us pets so that we could understand what He meant by love”

copyright July 27, 2002~kld


Forever a part of my life buddy,
17, Mar 2004
ken dayton