We remember when you first arrived at our house. You wieghed only 28 lbs. You did not have much hair and you were so painfully thin. We fell in love with you straight away. You were around 12 to 18 months old. It took us three months to settle you down. Then you turned into the most loving dog we have ever known. You had minor health problems all the time. We always took you on holiday with us. You loved walking and just being with us. I hope you enjoyed your last holiday with us. When we took you to the vet on the Monday after we came back you were poorly. They told us you had Diabetes.
Then on the Wednesday you went off your back legs. You still insisted on going out for your evening walk. With our help to hold you up. You were still enjoying life. Then three weeks later you went in for your Cushings test. You were poorly that night. Thursday morning your front legs went week. Friday you were rushed into the vets. We were called back and told that you had liver failure. And had to make the hardest decision of our lives. You were suffering my darling. We could not help you. We tried. We still cannot believe that within a month you had died.
You were such a loving dog Barney. I hope where ever you are you are running free and eating lots. You loved your tummy. Please say hello to Abby Sally Smokey Muffin Joan Poo Monty. Goodnight sweetheart. We love you. You will always have a special place in our hearts.
Linda and Dave
Barney |
31, Aug 2001 |
Linda |