(April 1984 ~ December 29 1999)
As our Barney (Benji-Terrier mix) began to show his age around his
13th year by slowing down a little bit. He had always been an
extremely healthy dog.
While on vacation in June of 1998 (his 14th year) we first noticed him having
a problem settling down at night. He continued to circle and pace aimlessly and
wouldn’t stay on the couch or our bed. I gave him some Rescue Remedy and
it seemed to help a little bit.
As the summer progressed the pacing continued and I noticed that he always
circled to the left. He also began walking close to a wall and would seem to get
lost in a corner then whimper for some to come and “save” him.
He began to stick his head into spaces where he would actually get stuck,
whimper until someone came to “save” him again. We began putting pillows
and or large unmovable objects in these spots but he always managed to
find another place. He was sleeping longer in the mornings and also taking longer
naps during the day and not greeting us at the door when we came home with his
usual “singing” along with our Samoyed Buddy. He ceased to wag his tail
and run around the yard. Did not show an interest if squirrels where out there either.
He was also losing weight. At age 2 he weight 34 lbs.
At his heaviest he weighed in at 42 lbs.
We had our Vet check him out and Barney started on the drug ANIPRYL in
January of 1999. We noticed a few slight improvements.
His weight in February was 30 lbs. His naps became shorter he would wake up
on his own in the mornings would lift his leg to pee and even wag his tail occasionally.
A few times he even greeted us at the door and ran around the whole yard
a few times with his tail up instead of it just hanging down almost between his legs.
His bark became weaker and his singing too became less and less.
He weighed 28 lbs. in March. He no longer looked out the front window when
he knew my husband would be coming home.
In April as he turned 15 he started having “accidents” in the house and
we had to watch him closely. We started hand-feeding him because he seemed to
have lost interest in his food. So I would start him off one piece of kibble at a time
then a handfull. He also loved Mighty Dog canned Chicken and Liver flavor
which was kind of messy to feed. Eventually his eyesight wasn’t the greatest
up close and he would chomp down on our fingers so we went to a large tablespoon.
We started adding cooked ground beef mashed potatoes lamb baby food to the
diet – anything to keep him eating. Two feedings a day started to take about an hour each.
I sat on the kitchen floor crossed legged having him lay across my legs while I would
sing to him or just talk with him telling him how much we loved him while coaxing him
to eat his “nummies. I even bought a special Tupperwear double dish designed to
keep food warm as it took so long to feed him.
It is purple and pink – not boy dog colors at all!
The little “improvements” became less and less and we took him off the
ANIPRYL after 6 months. In July his weight was down to 26 ½ lbs.
Eventually we even started to hold a small water dish for him to be sure he
would drink enough. We continued like this spending more and more time caring
for him until he started having a problem holding himself up to make poop.
At times we also had to “tickle” him to remind him to pee.
Nearing Christmas he started to just lay down outside not exactly fall down
but just lie there. We had a very quiet “BLUE” Christmas together as we knew
it was our last one with Barney.
On December 29th we looked at each other and said “It is time isn’t it?”
And so it was.
We held a special little ceremony before we left for that final trip to his Vet
with Bob and I and Buddy and Barney sitting in a small circle under our Christmas tree.
I lit a special candle bought just for Barney and then blessed him and Buddy
with Holy Water a friend brought me from her church.
We then prayed with tears streaming down our cheeks that he would have a
safe journey to The Rainbow Bridge.
” Life – Long Pals Together ”
Barney the Goog |