
1981 —- Jan. 4 1997

Shepherd / Wolf Mix

I’ll never forget the day Smokey became a member of my family.

We had actually become acquainted about a year before he moved in with me.

He had belonged to my neighbors. But they had two little boys who had

many allergies so Smokey had to stay outside all the time,

regardless of the weather. I used to go over all the time and give him treats

and just give him the attention he so badly wanted.

It was my second winter at the house and during a very bad snow storm

I heard a scratching at the front door. To my surprise when I opened the door

it was Smokey. He looked like a “snowdog” all covered in snow from the

tip of his nose to the end of his tail. So I opened the door and in he came and laid

down in front of the fireplace to thaw out. When I called his owners to let them

know where he was they told me to keep him if I wanted otherwise they

would have to get rid of him. And from that day on he became an

honorary member of the family.

Every place I went Smokey was with me. He was the most loving,

well-behaved friendliest dog you could ever ask for.

He became my best friend and companion through all the changes I had in my

life for 15 years. It was in 1996 I noticed he wasn’t getting around like he used to.

I had lost my dad the year before and I was going through a divorce

and the thought of losing him was too much to bear.

I did everything I could to accommodate him. I’d carry him out to go potty.

I put carpet on my floors so it would be easier for him to walk.

I did everything…but consider his feelings. I didn’t think he was suffering,

he ate he drank his water I just thought he was getting old.

But then one morning he couldn’t get up. I called my vet and asked

him to observe overnight and let me know what I should do.

I called my ex-husband and asked him if he could take Smokey to the vet.

That he was going for the night to be observed.

I’ll never forget when my ex-husband returned. He had Smokeys collar in

his hands and his face was tear streaked.

I broke down and cried my God Smokey I wasn’t even there for you.

I should have been there to hold you to be the last face you would see before

your journey to Rainbow Bridge. Please forgive me and please wait for me.

My heart aches so bad for not being with you when you left.

I’ll never ever forget you Smokey. Cody misses you alot.

It took him along time to get used to you being away.

But I told him we will all be together again.

So wait for us Smokey so we can be a family once again.

I love you,


