Bear by Sarah / Sarah

Hi my name is Sarah. I’m 15 years old right now. When I was 8 my dad and mom decided it was time for our dog, Bear, to be put to sleep. He had hip problems from falling down the stairs and he was very old.
When my mom was younger she found him sleeping in the fornt seat of a broken down car. He lived with her in a small apartment for quite some time. Then when my mom had my 2 older brothers and my older sister she lived in cisero. When she found out she was going to have me she moved to a house. Bear was with her the whole time. Over the years bear became my best friend. he used to sleep on my bed every night. I can’t remember the date but it was a day that i will always remember, my dad came up to me when I was watching tv and he told me that Bear was sick and he had to go away. I told him that I was going with so he let me. I remember the whole day like it was yesterday. We drove him to the vet in our old blue car him and me in the back seat. We walked into the vet, I sat on the floor holding him crying. We walked in to the room and he had to lie on a big silver table. Then the doctor gave him 2 shots. I sat there and cried the whole time. Then when it was over I stood there petting him crying when my dad told me it was time to leave.

The doctor handed me Bear’s collar and we left. On the way home I didn’t talk to my dad. A few days later I was really messed up. I wouldn’t talk to anyone. All I did was take all the stuffed animals I had of dogs and I sat with them. I also never went anywhere without Bear’s collar and blanket.
I miss him so much and I still have dreams with him there. Every night I look around my house hoping that just maybe he wasn’t really dead that he was just hiding somewhere. I wish I had my best friend back.


I love you , Bear