Bess by Jacob Fielder / Jake

Bess was a ball of fluff, 6 weeks old and wriggly when Dad bought her for Mum on Valentine’s Day 1996. She was the symbol of our start as a family in our new home. Bess chewed, a little, but mostly she played…all the time. We played football. She was the best goalkeeper and could dribble a ball all the way up our stairs using her wet nose. Kids on our street would call to play with Bess and she brought many happy hours to our sick neighbour as he watched her antics from his chair.

Bess had pups one bonfire night. She had the first in the garden and it was hard to find it in the dark!! But her mothering skills improved and her babies all went to loving homes.

Bess was hit by a van and died almost instantly, Mum and I were there with her at the end, so the last words she heard were those of love and comfort from people that Bess knew loved her, and who in return loved with every ounce of her being. Bess was my friend, confidante and light during my dark times. Bess gave me her all and only asked from me the chance to play. We had 7 1/2 wonderful years together, I will never see her too old to play, or sick and in pain, and for that I am grateful.
Thank you for being my friend.


I love you,
Jacob Fielder