Beethoven by Charles and Lela / Daddy and Mama

We got Beethoven as a puppy born to our sweet dog, Autumn. Beethoven’s eyes weren’t even open yet, as she was just born a week before, yet she would crawl out of her Mama’s brood, and do a little yelp if anyone or anything came near. So, my husband gave her a nickname of the Horsefly. It seem to fit her, even though she was so beautiful. We named her Beethoven cause she looked like Beethoven the movie dog. When she grew up, she looked like Lassie. She was the sweetest, most loving dog we could ask for.Always a loving nurse to us when we were sick,and loved life. She would go to Grandma’s
for Sunday dinner, and holidays.

She always knew when it was time to go to see them, we didn’t even tell her,lol. She had her own plate, teacup,etc. Yes, she was spoiled, and we would do it all over again. She contracted Cataracts in both eyes a few years ago, making her nearly blind.She fared well, until her little heart got bad on her, she was on meds till her death. She was still a happy baby, full of love and life. She had a few seizures periodically, and the last one occured the day before she had a stroke. The stroke was the worst kind possible, and her dental abcess made it all too much
for her little heart to go on.

We brought her home from the vet, knowing she would die soon. We said our last good-byes and were with our “little Horsefly” girl to the end of her sweet baby dog life. God, we miss her so much. May we all meet again with her at Rainbow Bridge.


With love,
Charles and Lela