Bidule by Lynn & Karole Landry / Lynn & Karole Landry

Almost three months since you left us. The pain and sorrow we still feel is so terrible. There is not a single day, we don’t talk or think about you. Do you know how lucky we are to have shared those last 15 years with you? Because for Karole and I, you were more than our mom’s cat, you were one precious member of our too small family. The joy you gave us and Ping, your faithful companion, who miss you too, in his special cat way. We thought, after your bouts with Lipidosis, six years ago, that you were invincible like Mom, Marie-Claire’s cat. As resilient and strong as her, all her too short life. Our little Bidule…

Your name wasn’t describing you well, a “bidule” is the French translation for gadget. But you had such an unusual nature. I don’t know many cats who loved old movies, answered when spoken to or would caressed my cheeks when I cried. But that was you. So unique. But you were so sick those last months of your life.

You passed away in my arms the day of our Dad 33th anniversary of his death, at the Vet where Karole and I had taken you. And we still think that Dad came
to bring you back to his Marie-Claire.

Thank you for those 16 marvelous years filled with your love. As I read once, having a cat means hair on your clothes, litter in your shoes and love in your heart.

Peu importe où tu es, petite Bidule, tu demeureras à jamais dans notre coeur car tu y as laissé ton empreinte.


With all our love, avec tout notre amour,
9, Apr 2005
Lynn & Karole Landry