Big Guy

June 1997 —- March 31 2001

Shepherd / Chow

From the moment we got my Big Guy he has brought

joy and happiness into our home.

Because he had his own personality and a way of doing things

that no other pet I have well ever be able to replace the piece

of my heart that the Big Guy has taken and made his very own.

He was my friend that was always with me and knew how to

comfort me when I was sad or felt lonely.

He went everywhere with me and he was my Protector.

He never let anyone who we didn’t know get to close until

I said it was okay.

But now that he is gone I feel so alone sometimes I find myself

still talking to him. But in a way I guess I find some comfort in

it because he will always be apart of my life that was happy.

He well be deeply missed and never by any

means forgotten.



Big Guy