Bitsy by Crystal Payne / Crissy

It seems like only yesterday that I picked you out of the litter. I brought Pixie home with you that day but for some reason you got more attention than she did. You were the runt but, as it turned out you had the biggest heart. Your eyes were capable of looking directly into my soul. Daddy kept calling you lil Bit because you were so small, maybe that’s why we were so protective of you. Taking you everywhere with us, from the grocery store to fishing trips.

I miss the rides we used to take just up and down the road. Just being with you made my life worth living. I couldn’t wait to get home from work to see you, every hour I was away from you was misery. No human on this planet will ever be as good a friend to me as you were Bitsy. Barney, Spud, Chucky, and Pixie miss you too. Don’t worry we will all be reunited one day soon.

I know you are waiting for me just this side of heaven. I am looking forward to the day that I can hug and rub your little belly again and hold your wrinkled paws. You were the light of my life and I will always love you my little Bitsy, and I will see you again I promise.


Crystal Payne