BJ by Diana Granger / Love,


BJ was a beautiful buff colored cocker spaniel. Ever since I was a child, I wanted a buff colored cocker spaniel. BJ was also a gift from the same ex boyfriend that gave me Sebastian. BJ enjoyed running outside and eating. My nickname for him was Eureka. He could find a tiny morsel of food anywhere. He loved sitting in my lap and being “loved” on.

BJ also loved to pace. Sometimes, this would drive me to distraction. But, mention “treat,” and he would come running. He loved Samantha and his mom very much.

BJ became sick very suddenly. All types of tests were run on him – from x-rays, blood work, urinalysis, etc. Nothing could be found. Within 2 weeks, BJ could not walk or eat any longer. I also had to make a heart breaking decision – to euthanize him. But, when he looked at me with eyes that showed pain and despair, my decision was made. I was also with him when he crossed over. BJ was 13 yrs.old at the time.

I lost 3 of my precious “babies” in 3 months. I am still trying to get over the pain and guilt. But, I know they are in heaven, playing with each other and being whole and health again.


I love you, Mr. B,
Diana Granger